Space is a warzone. Befriend Warriors.


In the far reaches of human history have held in memory many organizations that chose to exist in the dark corners of the world. TGSI was founded in the old days when humankind thought that it was alone in the universe. It was founded on the creed that enjoyment be granted to those who have the desire to work for it, regardless of how dirty they must get their hands in the process.

Those traditions were handed down from father to son, and to friends met along the way until their fraternity had spanned hundreds of years. When humanity took to the stars a new frontier opened it’s doors, and TGSI took to the heavens to find the dark corners of the universe. In the deep black of space the people you can rely on become even more important and so, like the crucible forges steel, so did the brotherhood of TGSI strengthen.

Now they are true masters of their own fate. TGSI has been known to work for the UEE, for private organizations, and for themselves, whichever they need to in order to profit from their endeavors. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them maybe you can hire TGSI.


It is important for an organization to publicly declare their policy and aims. There are many Private Security companies that would prefer to hide their goals and work in the shadows, but not TGSI. We invite you, then, to read the following Manifesto:

TGSI is to be for all intent and purposes a martial organization. If by action or prevention of action there can be safety granted to innocent human beings then TGSI will strive to make that difference. In all cases of law TGSIyields to the UEE accepted codes and regulations where applicable. The only exceptions would arise when necessary to protect TGSI personnel or assets, and only so far as they do not come into direct conflict with UEEforces.

To fund these safeguard actions TGSI is also prepared to take on jobs as a private security force. Under observation by UEE law TGSI shall arm itself to further these goals of protection and safety. These arms may be utilized for any of, but not limited to, the following tasks:

  • High Security Transport
  • Person of Interest Recovery
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Hazardous Sector Reconnaissance
  • Private Security

Should the UEE deem it necessary in times of open conflict TGSI may be sub contracted as a military force, however all regular rates and expenses apply.

With regard to professional actions undertaken for clients, all payment must be in the form of UEC. The first half of payment and all projected operating expenses are to be paid before the undertaking of the task, the remainder to be paid upon completion with all unforeseen operating expenses reimbursed. In special cases additional payment may be negotiated. In instances where the client fails to pay the second half of the fee or reimburse the operating expenses TGSI withholds the right to acquire the clients assets, by force if necessary, until the debt has been sufficiently settled.

Above all, TGSI holds innocent human life in the highest regard. If by consequence of TGSI action there is harm of innocent citizens TGSI will endeavor to make amends as seen fit by TGSI leadership.


Under UEE sanction the TGSI has been formed by the willful volition of its founders. It shall keep it’s homes offices at REDACTED and if need be direct contact can be made by sending representatives there.

It’s purpose: to provide safety and peace of mind for those with concerns related to hostile actions or harm against their person or property.

TGSI is a profiting agency, and is subject to all UEE regulations with regards to such.

Alanar Carde shall act as the primary registered agent of TGSI for all matters both public and private. In instances where Mr. Carde is unavailable a suitable proxy will be presented by TGSI.

TGSI is a privately owned organization and is not publicly traded. By that very fact no shares may be possessed save by TGSI members. Should, by death or otherwise, a non-TGSI member comes into rightful inheritance of TGSIshares they are required to sell those shares back the organization for exactly the current valued rate.

TGSI hereby recognizes as it’s founding members, deserving of all privileges that accompany such a title, Alanar Carde, Dase Frost, Paeregrine Caster, John Galedeep, Olliver Hawkins, and Jacque Behringer.